Thankfulness Blog

I am thankful for...

25 Nov, 2022

This week we aren’t going to talk about travel. This week I just want to take the time to reflect on this last year and just give thanks where it is due. This past year, well two years really, has been a wild ride. Each year my list seems to grow even longer, full of everything I am so very grateful for. As many of you may have noticed, I am relatively new to the Mode family. I say family because that is what it feels like. One big family, constantly cheering you on. I seriously feel like I have my own fans in life who support all my ambitions and goals. I do feel like that is rare to find in your professional life. I’m so very thankful for each and every member of the Mode Family. I came into the travel world, only to have ever been the traveler. So, to see behind the scenes truly put in perspective all the time and energy the Mode fam pours into their clients. They do such a fantastic job no matter what curve ball they are thrown, and they do it so gracefully.
Speaking of family, I am so grateful for my family. My parents are some of the most selfless people I know. Since I was three years old, my parents not only cooked thanksgiving for our family but for our local homeless shelter as well. It quickly became the highlight of our year. We looked forward to serving together as a family and serving our community. To this day, my family still arrives every morning Thanksgiving Day and cooks a meal. My parents are the reason I have a passion for helping others and volunteering in my community.
My husband is the kindest and hardest worker I know, and I aspire to be more like him daily. The amount of love and support he pours into me, and my dreams is astonishing. During this time of year, we tend to skip out on the big meal and do something together. This year we are heading over to NYC to have the ‘Big Apple Experience’ watching the Macy’s Day Parade. We will most likely be grabbing coffee from our hotel and whatever food is open and it will be absolutely perfect.
This time of year tends to be full of chaos. It is so easy to lose sight of the important things or people who surround your table. Don’t forget to take a deep breath and savor not only the turkey but the moment. If the last 3 years and covid taught me anything, it's that time is limited with the ones you love. The turkey doesn’t matter, the stuffing doesn’t matter, even your mom’s homemade pie doesn’t matter. It’s the time well spent surrounded by those who cheer you on and love you unconditionally.
Just like the holiday season, I’m keeping this post short and sweet.
Happy Thanksgiving!


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